LNL First cleaning cooperative
“We are a residential and commercial cleaning cooperative that offers excellent service guaranteed with honesty and kindness. The satisfaction of our clients is our best reward” From: Philatinos (Read more.)
“We are a residential and commercial cleaning cooperative that offers excellent service guaranteed with honesty and kindness. The satisfaction of our clients is our best reward” From: Philatinos (Read more.)
A school in North Philadelphia celebrated the inauguration of a new bilingual program, which will be available to both Hispanic students and any parent who wants Spanish as a second language for their children. | From: NBC10/Telemundo62 (Read more.)
En respuesta a los altos índices de calor pronosticados, la Comisionada de Salud Cheryl Bettigole, MD, MPH, ha declarado una emergencia sanitaria por calor en Filadelfia. Esta declaración comenzará a las 12 p.m. a partir de mañana, jueves 21 de julio y está programada para terminar a las 8 p.m. del jueves 21 de julio, pero podría extenderse si el pronóstico empeora. | From: Philatinos (Read more.)
A People’s Budget, a project sponsored by Mural Arts Philadelphia in collaboration with different artists throughout Philadelphia, is hosting a festival this Saturday, May 14th in West Philly to encourage the community to openly discuss the city’s budget. | From: Billy Penn (Read more.)
It’s common for immigrants to the United States to sacrifice a healthy work-life balance to provide their family a better opportunity. | From: Billy Penn (Read more.)
Para recibir estos pagos, los constituyentes solteros deberían haber ganado menos de $75,000 y las parejas menos de $150,000 en el 2021. | Por: NBC10/Telemundo62 (Read more.)
El 3 de marzo, durante la reunión del Concejo Municipal de Filadelfia, la propuesta de Licencia por Enfermedad Pagada en casos de emergencia auspiciada por la concejal general Kendra Brooks fue aprobada con 12 votos a favor y 4 en contra. | Por: Philatinos Radio (Read more.)
Wolf’s proposal includes distributing direct checks of up to $2,000 to individuals or families whose income is less than $80,000. | Por: NBC10/Telemundo62 (Read more.)
Te contamos las razones por las cuales tu reembolso podría retrasarse este año. | Por: NBC10/Telemundo62 (Read more.)
La fecha límite para declarar impuestos está pautada para el 18 de abril. | Por: NBC10/Telemundo62 (Read more.)
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