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First Step Staffing has placed thousands of vulnerable Philadelphians in entry level jobs around the region. Now, it’s launching Second Step to create even better opportunities for all. | From: The Citizen (Read more.)
First Step Staffing has placed thousands of vulnerable Philadelphians in entry level jobs around the region. Now, it’s launching Second Step to create even better opportunities for all. | From: The Citizen (Read more.)
Philly’s Chinatown started changing before the Rail Park was planned, says Yue Wu, neighborhood planning and project manager at the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation. But since the first phase opened above Chinatown North and the Callowhill neighborhood in 2018, that change has not slowed down. | From: Next City (Read more.)
Two years into the pandemic, the Office of Innovation and Technology laid out an executive order and plan for how it will continue to address the digital divide in Philadelphia. Its four main goals focus on devices, connectivity, training and the wider ecosystem. | From: Technical.ly (Read more.)
The stated mission of the proposed Philadelphia Public Financial Authority is to support Black-owned businesses and other businesses in neighborhoods that have historically lacked access to credit. | From: Next City (Read more.)
Along the Way is geared toward helping overnight and weekend shift workers, particularly people with hotel, retail, and restaurant jobs who were the first to lose their positions during the pandemic. | From: The Inquirer (Read more.)
For people who are returning home from prison, news that the labor market has become a little more friendly is encouraging. Still, according to a report released by the Brookings Institution in January, 45% of returning citizens find themselves without work a year after their release. | From: Love Now Media (Read more.)
La fecha límite para declarar impuestos está pautada para el 18 de abril. | Por: NBC10/Telemundo62 (Read more.)
Will PhillyCoin become reality? It’s already up and running in Miami, which just got a $5 million payout. | From: Billy Penn (Read more.)
Supporters say public banking will boost Black and brown businesses and spur investment in disadvantaged areas. Critics worry, but is municipal government any more shady than the private sector? | Billy Penn (Read more.)
For the last two years, understanding how to navigate the internet, log onto online schooling or use a device for a doctor’s appointment became a necessity, not a luxury. And through a survey and programs, the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology (OIT) has narrowed down the data to understand who’s still left out. | From: Technical.ly (Read more.)
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