
Kids in Philly Public, Charter and Independence Mission Catholic Schools to Get Free Internet for School Through Comcast, T-Mobile

Comcast, the city and several foundations are supporting the effort to connect households with children in Philly’s public, charter and Independence Mission Catholic schools. The initial focus will be on households with K-12 students and no internet access or only mobile phone access, or on people who are homeless and housing insecure. | From: NBC10/Telemundo62 (Read more.)

Civic and Community Engagement

Black stimulus package proposed in Philadelphia

Donavan West wants to help Black communities and businesses starved by the pandemic, damaged by civil unrest and suffering from long-term underinvestment. West hopes to promote workforce development, improve career education programs, close the digital divide, train young people in innovation and automation, and teach them about finance and entrepreneurship. | From: Plan Philly (Read more.)