
Plan for mixed-income development in North Philly suffers setback

The North Philadelphia councilmember last week killed a bill that would have legalized plans for a 20-story apartment tower on the vacant site of Morris Iron and Steel on N. American Street between Berks and Norris Streets and 40 rowhouses on nearby city-owned land. This week, she said she is working with developers Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha, or APM, and Scannapieco Development Corporation on a public-private partnership to enable the project. | From: WHYY (Read more.)


Fear of Schuylkill Punch: Residents with lower incomes spend more on water, survey finds

From Billy Penn: Despite the unfortunate nickname, “Schuylkill Punch” has been proven plenty safe to drink, but the myth that it’s not has an unfortunate effect. In the poorest big city in the country, many people are unnecessarily spending their money on more expensive water. And Water Dept. surveys sent out this spring showed the phenomenon touches specific groups of people more than others. (Read more.)