‘Let’s organize together’ – Marina describes how economic disparities can sway the justice system.

Hello everyone, greetings, my name is Marina Dominguez Cifuentes.

The experience that I’m just about to share with you is about the cruel reality that my family and I have been subjected to in the USA, for more than 6 years now.

About one year after coming to this country with my little children, to be a family with their dad, and when I was still getting used to living here, we separated. My marital separation meant that I had to start seeing my children with supervision and armed guards around.

I went from being a full-time mom to being obligated to see my kids only twice a week for just one hour at St. Mary Magdalen Church, in Media, Pa, with armed guards.  I tried unsuccessfully to change this over the past six years, investing all my time, doing my best efforts, and sacrificing my financials.

  • Would my children have had to spend their childhood motherless if I were not a woman, an immigrant, Latina and poor?
  • Is the phrase, “we get as much justice as we can afford,” in fact, real?
  • Why armed guards? Why supervision?

What you will see is an excerpt of a hearing in Delaware County PA Family Court, so you can appreciate what Judge Cartisano had to say, the very same judge who made the temporary decision and maintained it for more than six years with no final determination yet for the custody case.

The person that the judge mentioned is Thomas J Karl, he is the father of my two children, a local attorney, CEO, President of Physicians Choice Dialysis LLC, and a bigamist. He married two people at the same time.

I never committed any child abuse, I am perfectly capable to work or volunteer with children, but I can’t be a mom to my own children. I must see my own children with armed guards.

That’s why I’m asking you to please contact me at MARDOMCIF@HOTMAIL.COM and let’s organize together if for you too economic disparity from the parties meant a lack of justice and due process.

And please share this video [and message] broadly, to make it viral, it is the only way to break the silence.

Thank you.