En Español

Congreso de Latinos Unidos: Por qué nos importa el Censo 2020

El Censo 2020 es importante para nuestra comunidad, familias y personal, toda la familia del Congreso de Latinos Unidos. Informa cómo se asignan los recursos críticos, lo que tiene un impacto inmenso en nuestras experiencias cotidianas, como viajar al trabajo, almorzar en la escuela o ir al médico. En Congreso, utilizamos los datos del censo para obtener más información sobre la comunidad a la que servimos. | Por: Kensington Voice (Read more.)

Civic and Community Engagement

Congreso de Latinos Unidos: Why the 2020 Census matters to us

The 2020 Census matters to our community, families, and staff — the entire Congreso de Latinos Unidos familia. It informs how critical resources are allocated, which has an immense impact on our day to day experiences like traveling to work, eating lunch at school, or going to the doctor. At Congreso, we use census data to learn more about the community we’re serving. We also share that data when applying for grants or making our case for support to potential funders, like those on our corporate advisory council. | From: Kensington Voice (Read more.)

En Español

New Kensington CDC: Por qué nos importa el Censo 2020

Los programas principales como Medicaid, Medicare, cupones de alimentos, vales de vivienda de Sección 8, Becas Pell y construcción de carreteras dependen de los datos del Censo. Lo que recibe Filadelfia, y lo que obtiene nuestra comunidad, en los próximos 10 años depende de cuántas personas el Censo dice que viven aquí, así como nuestras edades, ingresos y otros factores. | Por: Kensington Voice (Read more.)


New Kensington CDC: Why the 2020 Census matters to us

Major programs like Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, Section 8 housing vouchers, Pell Grants, and highway construction all rely on census data. What Philadelphia gets — and what our community gets — over the next 10 years depends on how many people the Census says live here, as well as our ages, incomes, and other factors. | From: Kensington Voice (Read more.)


Esperanza Health Center: Why the 2020 Census matters to us

At Esperanza, we think about programs that can be implemented to address the needs we see in the community, and part of that process involves looking for stories that represent those needs. Numbers and data tell us stories that are just as valuable as the stories we see and hear from the people we serve. That’s why we believe the census data for Kensington and the other areas we serve must be reliable and up-to-date. | From: Kensington Voice (Read more.)