Civic and Community Engagement

Ideas we should steal: The Citizens Project

From The Philadelphia Citizen: Nationally one in five homeless people had a serious mental illness, and the same number had a substance abuse problem, and in Philly, drug overdose is the number one cause of death among homeless people. These issues are, as may be expected, intertwined, and have created a need for programs like the Citizens Project in large cities across the country. (Read more.)


This Week at Broke in Philly: 07.20.2018

• Helping foster youth attain college and persist there | From: The Philadelphia Public School Notebook
• Pa. bills would subsidize the costs of college | From: The Philadelphia Public School Notebook
• See how trauma can determine our health and even our income | From: ParaTiMujer Radio Program (Read more.)


A low-cost way to reduce depression: renovate vacant lots

From Philadelphia Media Network: Researchers found that planting grass and trees in formerly empty and blighted lots led residents within a quarter-mile radius to feel 40 percent less depressed. In neighborhoods that fell below the poverty line, the effect was even more pronounced, with feelings of depression dropping 68 percent. (Read more.)


This Week at Broke in Philly: 07.13.2018

• Beyond SEPTA Key: New program replaces tokens for people in need | From: Billy Penn
• Why this couple’s wedding registry was devoted to paying off Philly kids’ court costs | From: Philadelphia Media Network
• New report sheds light on poverty | From: NBC10/Telemundo62
• How this Philadelphia neighborhood is gentrifying without displacement | From: Next City
• Philadelphians feel squeezed as U.S. economy seems to hum. That’s a poverty problem | From: Philadelphia Media Network
• Here’s where people living on Philly streets can find respite from the heat | From: Generocity (Read more.)