Civic and Community Engagement

5 “Green” Freebies in Philly

In honor of Earth Week, we’re giving you a gift of FREE giveaways. OK, so we’re not giving you the free things… technically the city is. But living a sustainable lifestyle doesn’t have to be expensive and mean you have to buy new things to benefit the planet. | From: Green Philly (Read more.)

Community and Family

Maternity care crisis (averted?)

In the past two decades, 13 of the city’s 19 maternity wards have closed. Philadelphia’s maternal mortality rate is high, especially for women of color. Cause and effect? Not so fast, says Malcolm Burnley, who takes a deep look at the factors contributing to poor maternal health outcomes in the city. | From: Generocity
(Read more.)


Southwest Philly battles life in an auto zone

Year after year, auto shops flout rules intended to prevent fires and protect people and the environment from toxic fumes and fluids. Despite efforts to stop new shops from popping up, more continue to open via a zoning appeals process that allows owners to secure variances with little scrutiny. | From: PlanPhilly (Read more.)

Civic and Community Engagement

Wake Up With WURD – Ijeoma Oluo

Every year Women’s Way honors a female author. This year the winner is Ijeoma Oluo, author of, Do You Want to Talk About Race? Ijeoma joins Wake Up With WURD to talk about her book, addressing white privilege, and finding ways to combat poverty. | From: WURD Radio (Read more.)